For you few who may have accidentlly stumbled accross my post, hello! And I'm almost back from falling off of the face of the planet.
And I need to buy a DAW. Reason being, I've made a super boss computer, but was only working the last half of last year. Then the holiday came around which while paying off my student loans and not getting full paychecks have left me slim on buying things that I need. But the new year is here and I can soon afford things. So my master plan is to look at buying a version of Ableton, or at least trying the free demo to see how much I like it, and then start getting myself to composing here by the summer. I don't expect to be completly ready for this year's NGADM but it's too far away to make any predictions yet.
Anywho, talk to you soon, or see you soon, or whatever. If you've stumbled across my post.
Yeah -Spadezer-