The intro has a light and edm pop style hook, and it is a decent start to how the rest of the song feels. Definitely a hype song. I'm a little confused about the intent with the 0:50 section, but it grooves. Not a fan of the sound choice there, and it's quite the harsh transition. The synths and sound choice sounds kinda dry and harsh at that section. The mixing I think sounds a bit thin like it's hot in the high frequencies. There's definitely a lot going on though which makes it hard to balance and sound clean. The main melody hook almost comes across as just a mashup of notes, but it is a fun melody and it’s pretty likable. The more I repeated the song the more I learned to like the melody theme. It's a lot, but it doesn't feel too repetitive.
I think one of the things holding the song back is the production quality. Like I've said, some of the instrumentation sounded thin and dry, and there's definitely a lot going on. All that aside, it's a pretty fun song, and the main idea is well executed.