NGADM 2024 audition review per request
This song does have a fun style of high energy that I'm on board with, but there were a few issues that stood out to me that I think could have used some improvement. Firstly is that the instruments and synths you use come across as feeling cheap, and I think most of that is to do with that they feel dry. There isn't much processing, so the instruments don't feel like they're working in the same atmosphere, especially the synths that you start out with in the intro. I also recognize those Sytrus presets at 1:28 (that I've shamelessly used in my old songs like 10 years ago), and I can tell that you didn't touch those effects
outside of those initial presets. I think Sytrus is a fine and dandy synth to use, but a lot of their presets have too much reverb and delay IMO. Another issue for me was your synths and sound choices, which for me falls into the instrumentation category. The fast moving synth you have going crazy at 0:50 isn't up for the task that you're trying to put it through. You've got one that's trying to slide between notes in a legato fashion that really needs to have a more defined start and end. Otherwise, which you have in this example, the notes sound undefined in a similar fashion that a drunk slurs their speech. I also think that the kick you're using doesn't really work for this song either. For the type of style you're using, although the second one you're using in the 1:54 section works better. You'd want a kick that has a more defined initial hit (or transient) that can cut through the mix, especially when you're working in more high energy songs. My advice, look for sample packs that give you some good quality percussion sounds. Cymatics has packs of stuff that you can download for free that I'd highly recommend getting as a good start. Otherwise, if you're willing to give out some money, a service like Splice is good because you can get access to a lot of stuff with a simple search, and it really doesn't cost that much to use. And if you don't want to use it, you can pause your service pretty easily.
As for your writing, it is a fun piece and has some eurodance vibes that reminds me of watching Initial D. As Everratic mentioned below, the song doesn't feel like it connects with itself too well. You've got a lot of fun ideas, but the trick to making good music is trying to either tell a story through music or by exploring ideas in as many different ways as you can. This I've drawn inspiration from this rather old video that I'd recommend taking a listen to Not much for me to say outside of that.
My biggest advice for you though is to listen to other music and study those songs. Find good music that you like and listen to how it works. Try to get an idea of what it is about that music that you like and what makes it sound good. How is that artist using the instruments they have in connection to the rest of the music. How are they using effects. How are they structuring their song. Look up youtube videos. I'm still constantly watching tutorials because maybe there's some tricks or extra knowledge I can pick up. Always be learning. Or if you find an artist that you like has a video going into how they made a song, that can be a great opportunity to see what they're doing and pick up some more tricks along the way. Rob Scallon is pretty sweet, and is very entertaining. If you haven't checked out any of Andrew Huang's tutorials, I'd highly recommend giving those a watch. Lots of good knowledge there. Especially with his 4 producers 1 sample series.
You do have good potential. There's a lot of fun ideas in this song. With some refinement, I think you could get to making pretty good music.
-edit- that video I linked wasn't the video I was looking for. Still a good listen, but this one is much closer to what I was thinking