This is an Official NGUAC '18 Knockout Round Review
Beginning Comments: The beginning is intriguing, but the main groove is a nice take. Not normally my type of genre, but this would be something I would have no problem listening to multiple times.
Production / Mixing: The mix is nice. What I was afraid of seeing what genre this was is that you would crank up the kick and distort the track with it. This is not the case, and everything blends nicely. There's an obvious use of sidechaining going on, but I enjoy it. The balancing is good between the rest of the instruments you have. Instruments placed in the background don't try to crowd the track, and the forefront instruments don't shout more than they need to.
Composition / Structure: The structure develops nicely. It's a little short, but it's not immature. The intro is subtle and has a neat amount of filters going on to let the listener know that the main theme hasn't arrived yet. There isn't a complex chord structure going on, but it always felt fresh either with new melodies or new flavors of instruments making it different.
Sound Design: A very interesting choice of styles used. Not voices I would have expected to hear together but I think they do well. The only one I question is the lead at 1:00. It's neat but I feel like it's just a tad tinny or to metallic, but that's only a minor complaint. You make up for it with just now nicely everything else promotes the main idea of the song.
Ending Comments: I'm honestly impressed. I knew more hip hop / trap music could be like this I would listen to it more often.
Production - 1
Composition - 0.5
Structure - 1
Sound Design - 1
Replay - 0.5
Total - 8
*Disclaimer - to make judging consistent with other judges, individual category scores are multiplied by 2 to make a total possible 10 points.