I like this piece. I like how you're organizing your harmonies into the minor chords and it sounds great. With the clipping I suggest two things (since I'm assuming you're using FL).
(1) Using the Fruity Limiter is great at stopping the clicking if you know how to use it (Youtube helps a lot with this).
(2) I also suggesting adding each of your instrument into the mixer to control the volume a bit (instruments, tracks, plugins, generators... I haven't figured out what to call them). Also in the mixer is where you can add a lot of different types of FX as well.
I'm still trying to figure out all of the in's-and-out's to FL as well. I've been using it for about a year now and I'm still finding out new Keyboard shortcuts and other applications that really make the music pop.
Don't take the criticism too hard though, I gave you a 4 and that shows that I like how this piece is going.